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Terms of Use

Effective Date: March 27, 2024

Chapter 1. General Principles


The purpose of these terms of use (these "Terms of Use") is to stipulate the service use conditions of members and non-members and the procedures, rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters in the use of any service provided using the website "Dropshot Stock" or the "Dropshot Stock" mobile website and application provided through mobile devices such as smartphones, and the content license purchase service provided by Jiro Corporation (the "Company") through "Dropshot Stock."


The definitions of the terms used in these Terms of Use are as follows.

  1. "Site" means a virtual place of business in the form of a website or application that the Company has set up to allow transactions of Contents, etc. using information and communications facilities such as computers for the provision of the Contents purchase service (the "Service") to the User, and is also used to mean a business operator operating the Site.
  2. "Contents" means any video, image, 3D graphics or other works uploaded or posted within the Site.
  3. "User" means a Member or Non-Member who accesses the Site and uses the Service provided by the Site in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  4. "Member" refers to a person who has provided personal information to the Site and registered as a Member, and who is continuously provided with the information of the Site and can continuously use the Service provided by the Site.
  5. "Non-Member" means a person who uses the Service provided by the Site without joining as a Member.
  6. "License Policy" means the policies that organize matters regarding the types, restrictions, representations, warranties, etc. of licenses with respect to the Service provided by the Company through the Site.

Terms not defined in these Terms of Use shall be defined in separate terms and conditions and usage rules or in accordance with statutory definitions, and common trade terms shall be defined by convention.

Representation, Effect and Amendment of the Terms and Conditions

  1. These Terms of Use shall be effective upon notice to the User on the Site screen or by other means. In the case of Non-Members, the terms and conditions related to the Service available in the Non-Member capacity on the Site are applied.
  2. The Company may amend these Terms of Use to the extent that they do not violate the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.
  3. In cases where the Company amends these Terms of Use, the date and reason for the amendment of the amended Terms of Use shall be specified and notified to the Members from seven (7) days prior to the date of the application (provided, however, that if the amendment is made to terms unfavorable to Content providers, thirty (30) days) to the day before the application date. In the event that the Company amends the terms disadvantageous to Members, in addition to Paragraph 1, the Company shall clearly notify the Members through electronic means such as email or a pop-up window requiring consent upon login
  4. The amended Terms of Use shall not be retroactively applied prior to the date of application unless there are special provisions or other unavoidable reasons in the laws and regulations.
  5. In the event the Company announces to or notifies the Members of the amended Terms of Use in accordance with Paragraph 3 and clearly notifies that the Members will be deemed to have expressed their intent if the Members do not express their intent within the applicable period under Paragraph 3, the Members shall be deemed as having consented to the amended Terms of Use if the Content providers do not expressly indicate their intent to refuse or terminate the Use Agreement.
  6. The Members have the right to reject the amended Terms of Use. If a Member rejects, the Company may terminate the agreement with the Member. If the Member does not express their rejection or uses the Service after the effective date pursuant to the preceding paragraph, they shall be deemed to have consented.
  7. The Company shall provide the Service to the Members on the condition that the Members agree to these Terms of Use, and if the Members consent to these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall apply with priority over the Company's act of providing the Service and the Members' use of the Service.

Guidelines for the Terms of Use

  1. These Terms of Use shall apply together with the rules for use of the Service provided by the Company and separate terms and conditions.
  2. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Rules for Deliberation of the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, the Code of Ethics in Information Communication, and the Program Protection Act.

Provision of Company Information, etc.

The Company shall post the Company's trade name and name of its representative, location of the Company, business registration number, telephone number, email address, etc. on the initial page of the Site so that Members and Non-Members can easily understand them.

Integrated Management of Member Information

The Company's Member information may be managed in conjunction with the Member information of other administrative agencies' websites.

Chapter 2. Service Use Agreement

Establishment of Member Use Agreement

  1. The Member use agreement shall be applied for by recording the matters required of the applicant in the prescribed use application form provided by the Site online and expressing the applicant's intention to agree to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.
  2. The Member use agreement is established by the Company's approval of the application for use after the person intending to use the Service consents to these Terms of Use. The establishment date of membership shall be the time when the Company's approval reaches the Member.
  3. In cases where a use application is made to use the Company's Service, the Company may request the applicant to verify their real name and verify the applicant's identity and determine whether to provide the Service based on the results thereof.
  4. In order to use the Service, the information requested by the Company must be accurately stated, and the applicant shall be subject to any disadvantages or legal liability due to falsehoods, omissions, errors, etc.
  5. The Company may refuse to enter into a use agreement with respect to any of the following applications for use agreements:
    1. If the application is made in the name of another person;
    2. If the content of the application for the use agreement is falsely stated or applied;
    3. If the application is made for the purpose of disrupting social peace and order or public morals;
    4. If another person interferes with the use of the Service of the Company or misappropriates such information;
    5. In the event of an act prohibited by law or these Terms of Use;
    6. If other requirements for application for use determined by the Company are insufficient;
    7. Cases where the Member has lost membership or eligibility for use under these Terms of Use (including cases where the Company terminates its membership in violation of these Terms of Use or the usage policies presented by the Company, or cases where a Member receives a report from the Company or another Member but terminates the membership due to failure to provide an explanation; provided, however, that if the Company later verifies the explanation and approves resubscription, the resubscription may be exceptionally allowed);
    8. If a minor applies for a use agreement.
  6. In any of the following cases, the Company may reserve the establishment of the use agreement until the cause is resolved:
    1. Cases of Service suspension due to technical failure (disk failure, system shutdown, etc. that is not due to the system manager's willful misconduct or gross negligence);
    2. Where a key communications business operator under the Telecommunications Business Act suspends the telecommunications service;
    3. Where a war, incident, natural disaster, or similar national emergency occurs or is likely to occur;
    4. Cases where urgent system inspection, expansion, repair of replacement equipment, etc. is inevitable;
    5. Cases where the Service cannot be provided, such as a failure of the Service facilities or a surge in the use of the Service, etc.

Termination of the Use Agreement

  1. Members may apply for the termination of the Service use agreement to the Company at any time through telephone, email, or other means provided by the Company, and the Company shall immediately unsubscribe the Member after going through the confirmation process.
  2. In the event that a Member falls under any of the following subparagraphs or engages in an act falling under any one of the foregoing, the Company may terminate the Service use agreement by written notice, email, or notification through the functions within the Service to the Member without a separate peremptory notice procedure:
    1. If there is a falsehood, omission, or error in the content of the application for membership, or if the membership requirements are not met;
    2. If the Service is used through abnormal or indirect methods in a country where the Company does not provide the Service;
    3. If the application is filed for the purpose of engaging in an act prohibited by the relevant laws and regulations;
    4. If an application is filed for the purpose of undermining social peace and order or public morals;
    5. If the Service is intended to be used for illegal purposes, such as violation of these Terms of Use;
    6. If membership has been lost through the Company in the past;
    7. Other cases where there is a reasonable cause for which the contractual relationship can no longer continue due to the damage of the trust relationship between the Member and the Company.
  3. If a Member causes damage to the Company due to a violation of current laws or willful misconduct or negligence, notwithstanding Paragraph 2, the Company may terminate the Service use agreement with the Member without prior notice.
  4. If the Service use agreement is terminated pursuant to this Article, the Member shall lose all rights related to the use of the Service, and the Company shall cease providing the Service to the Member.
  5. In the event of termination of the Service use agreement, the Company shall delete all information of the relevant Member other than the information held in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the Privacy Policy; provided, however, that the following shall be excepted:
    1. The Company shall keep personal information of the relevant Member, information on membership registration, and service use information for [5] years after the Member's withdrawal from membership in order to prevent the Member from re-subscription for reasons of refusal of the use application (including cases where the applicable person applies for use using another person's name).
  6. In the event the Service use agreement is terminated, as for the Service fee paid by the Member, if there is a remaining use period, the amount excluding the fee up to the termination time shall be deducted by 10% and returned.
  7. If a Member's Service use agreement is terminated, re-subscription of the information of the Member that has withdrawn may be restricted, as determined by the Service operation policy.

User's Obligations

  1. The User shall comply with the matters set forth in these Terms of Use, other "License Policy" determined by the Company, and the matters announced by the Company. Violation may result in the suspension of membership and disadvantageous measures such as damages in accordance with the rules.
  2. Members shall not reproduce, perform, publicly transmit, exhibit, distribute, lend, create derivative works, edit, sell, etc., or allow another person to use the Contents within the Site, except as set forth in these Terms of Use or in the license agreement entered into separately between the Member and Company.
  3. The Users agree not to engage in any of the following actions through this Service:
    1. Misappropriating another person's ID and password;
    2. Collecting or storing personal information of other users;
    3. Reproducing information obtained through the Service for purposes other than the use of the Service without the prior consent of the Company, or providing such information to a third party;
    4. Distributing Contents obtained through the Service to others in the form of vulgar or obscene information, sentences, figures, sound, videos, etc. that violate public order and public morals, or a combination thereof, by transmission, posting, email, or other means;
    5. Engaging in acts connected with crimes;
    6. Causing harm to or intentionally interfering with the Service;
    7. Abnormal downloading (downloading using macros or illegal programs, continual mechanic/continuous downloading in seconds or regular intervals, large-scale collection and storage downloads that significantly deviate from the purpose of use by license, etc., and other such acts that cannot be seen as normal use, etc.);
    8. Posting, writing, or sending by email any software virus to destroy, interfere with, or limit the functionality of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment;
    9. Engaging in any act that hinders or is likely to hinder the stable operation of the Service;
    10. Violation of any other rules or terms of use determined by the Company, including these Terms of Use;
    11. Other acts in violation of the relevant laws and regulations.
  4. If a Member violates these Terms of Use, the Company may suspend all Services provided to the Member.
  5. The Company may limit subscription for Members whose use agreement has been terminated for a violation of these Terms of Use for a period separately determined.

Notice to Users

  1. The Company may send text messages to the Members' registered phone numbers or notify them through email, push notification, service functions, etc., if there is any fact to be delivered to the Members due to certain matters or necessity under these Terms of Use.
  2. If the Company determines that individual notice to Members is difficult (difficult to prove due to the Member's failure to enter or change contact information or due to the fault of the Member) or that notice is necessary for an unspecified number of many Members, the Company may indicate the notice on the initial screen of the Service such as the website, app, etc. in lieu of the individual notice in Paragraph 1.

Chapter 3. Provision and Use of the Service

Provision of the Service

  1. Service usage time shall be, in principle, 24 hours per day throughout the year, unless there is a special hindrance to the Company's business or technology; provided, however, that the Company may temporarily suspend the Service on the date or at the time set by the Company in cases of regular system inspection, expansion, or replacement, or in cases where there is a considerable operational reason, and the temporary suspension of the Service due to the scheduled work shall be notified in advance through the Site.
  2. The Company may temporarily suspend the Service without prior notice due to unavoidable reasons such as urgent system inspection, expansion, and replacement, and in such cases, notice may be given after the fact. In addition, if there are reasons deemed appropriate by the Company, such as replacement with a new Service, the Service currently provided may be temporarily completely suspended after prior notice is given on the Site
  3. The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the Service in the event of a national emergency, power failure, etc.; provided, however, that in such cases, the reasons, period, etc. shall be notified to the Member in advance or after the fact.

Details of the Provided Service

  1. The Service provided by the Company to Users are divided into free and paid Services.
  2. Members may use the Service such as search, download, etc. according to the scope of use of the paid Service purchased by the Members and the method of using the Service.
  3. The rights to Content granted to Members through paid Services shall be in accordance with the "License Policy." Member may use the purchased Contents within the scope of the license agreement granted.
  4. In principle, the fees for the use of paid Services shall be prepaid.

Discount of Charges and Free Events, etc.

  1. The Company may issue prizes such as discounts on paid Service fees and free use coupons as necessary, such as for the promotion of Service use, etc., and in such cases, the website shall govern separately from these Terms of Use.
  2. The policy on discount of charges and payment and application of prizes may be changed depending on the Company's circumstances, and in such cases, prior notice shall be given.

Refund and Offer Withdrawal Policy

  1. Due to the nature of digital Contents, refunds and cancellation of subscription are not possible once the Contents have been provided, so in principle, the use fees of the Contents are not refunded because the withdrawal or termination of the use agreement is impossible; provided, however, that in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., refunds and cancellations (cancellation of subscription) may be requested only if Contents are not downloaded within seven (7) days after the Service purchase.
  2. With respect to paid Services or use rights for which subscription can be cancelled, if the Member applies for cancellation of subscription after the period during which subscription can be cancelled (within seven (7) days from the date of payment), or if the Contents fall under any of the grounds for restriction on cancellation of subscription prescribed by the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Content Industry Promotion Act, and the Content User Protection Guidelines, etc., cancellation of the subscription shall be restricted.
  3. Members may make the request in Paragraph 1 by telephone or email. The Company may contact the Member through the information provided by the Member in order to process the refund and request the Member to provide the necessary information.
  4. The Company shall not be obligated to refund any Service for which the Member has not paid directly, such as in cases they have received paid Services or usage tickets as a gift or obtained them free of charge through promotions, etc.
  5. Within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt of the request for refund, the Company shall notify the full amount or the difference between the deducted amount and the refunded amount for the portion already used, and refund it in the same manner as the payment of the amount; provided, however, that if the Member delays the provision, etc. of information requested by the Company necessary for the refund, the period during which the provision of information, etc, is delayed shall be excluded from the above refund period.
  6. In refunding the above amount, the Company shall request a settlement business operator such as a credit card company to suspend or cancel the claim for the amount against the User when the Member has settled the amount by credit card, etc.

Chapter 4. Change and Suspension of Service

Change of Service

  1. The Company may change the name and scope of use of each Service as set forth in this Article, and other details of the Service in the future depending on the circumstances, and shall give notice in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  2. When changing a paid Service, the Company shall give notice in the manner set forth in these Terms of Use, and the Members may refuse to consent thereto and terminate the agreement; provided, however, that simple matters unrelated to the rights and obligations, such as payment terms, may be exempted from the notice.
  3. The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of the Service in the event of repair inspection, replacement failure, communication failure, etc. of information and communications facilities such as computers.

Chapter 5. Use of Contents

Content Copyright

  1. The copyright of the Contents provided on the Company's Site is owned by the Company or the person who provides the Contents to the Company. Therefore, the Company grants the Members the right to use the Contents within the scope of use and period permitted under the License Policy, and is not selling the copyrights to the Contents themselves.
  2. Any unauthorized reproduction or unauthorized use of the Contents provided on the Company's Site, or any act that deviates from the "License Policy" posted on the company Site without prior consultation with the Company, shall be deemed infringement of rights under the Copyright Act and related laws. Therefore, the Member shall indemnify the Company and third parties for all kinds of damages or liabilities arising from the use of images other than those expressly permitted by these Terms of Use and the "License Policy". In addition, for third party claims, the Member must indemnify the Company at their own expense.
  3. Some Contents provided on the Company's Site may not have portrait rights, property rights, copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, etc. ("Copyrights, etc.") in relation to the subject (persons, buildings, places, etc) (e.g., portrait rights of a person in a crowd, property rights of the background building, etc.). Therefore, depending on the type of use, there may be cases where the Member must directly acquire the relevant rights before use, so the Member must inquire with the Company in advance about certain Contents that are suspected of having right attached such as copyrights when using them. If a dispute arises between a third party and these rights without prior consultation with the Company, the Company shall not have any liability, and all liabilities shall be borne by the Member. Member should indemnify the Company against third party claims arising from such use.

Limitation on the Use of Contents

  1. The Company shall provide a Service that grants licenses for various Contents through the Site, and the details shall be in accordance with the "License Policy" of the Company. The Member may use the above Contents within the scope of the right of use granted by the License Policy. The Member's act of reproducing or displaying the above Contents outside the scope of the right of use, disclosing, transmitting, publishing, broadcasting, distributing, etc. to the general public, or providing Contents with watermarks to a third party without the right to use (including, but not limited to, acts related to derivative works and parts of such Contents) shall be considered as the Member's copyright infringement.
  2. The following acts are prohibited for all Contents provided on the Company's Site:
    1. Issuing, selling, reselling, distributing, assigning, lending, leasing, or renting to another person a license for the use of Contents granted tothe Member;
    2. Selling Contents on a shared drive, service, software, or site owned or operated by a third party for the purpose of exchange, transfer, ordistribution of Contents, or downloading Contents free of charge;
    3. Extracting or creating a condition in which the Content file itself can be extracted without obtaining approval from the Company;
    4. Infringing on legitimate rights, such as intellectual property rights, including copyrights, held by the right holder of the Contents, orinfringement of personal rights of an individual or corporation, etc.;
    5. Producing separate derivative works based on the Contents or similar to the Contents without prior approval;
    6. Using the Contents as a trademark, logo or service mark or incorporating them into such trademarks, logos or service marks;
    7. Producing a product using a captured image of Contents or commercially selling or commercializing the relevant product in violation of these Termsof Use and the "License Policy";
    8. Using Contents of persons obscene materials and adult advertisements, brothels, usury, other prostitution businesses, urology, plastic surgery, etc.contrary to social morals and customs, or using them for purposes that undermine social morals and customs such as obscenities or to defame thereputation of others;
    9. Changing Contents through artificial intelligence, etc., or reprocessing by synthesizing the body and face of a person within the Contents with aphotograph or image of a third party;
    10. Using Contents for a specific product in an exaggerated advertisement in the form of a model endorsement;
    11. Using Contents in depicting the exploitation of minors
    12. Using Contents in depicting violent acts or other equivalent unlawful contents;
    13. Using Contents in depicting animal abuse or violence;
    14. Using Contents or Content titles, subtitle information, keywords or other metadata (i) for the purpose of learning, using, building model data,generating results, etc. in relation to machine learning or artificial intelligence technology, or (ii) for a technology designed or intended toidentify an individual;
    15. When using Contents, violating the methods and procedures set forth in these Terms of Use or using Contents in a manner that does not fit thelicense purpose;
    16. Removing, shielding, or altering the sign of ownership (such as watermarks) to be included in the Contents;
    17. Making a false statement, express or implied, such as that the use right holder or a third party is the right holder or copyright owner of theContents.
  3. If the Member's use of Contents constitutes infringement of another person's rights (defamation, etc.), violation of the Terms of Use and "License Policy", the Company may take necessary measures, such as requesting the suspension of posting on portal sites without separate notice for the purpose of minimizing damages and protecting Members, and shall not compensate or remunerate the Member for such.

Management of Contents

  1. Contents provided by the Company may be arbitrarily deleted or changed in accordance with the Company's independent judgment.
  2. Among the Contents provided on the Company's Site, notwithstanding the thorough inspection of the Contents conducted by the Company, there may be problems with the Contents for reasons including copyright issues. Since the Company does not guarantee that the use of the provided Contents by the Member does not infringe on another person's intellectual property rights, the Member must use the Contents at their own judgment. If the possibility of infringement of intellectual property rights is confirmed in relation to the Contents provided by the Company, the Company shall fulfill its obligation to notify the Members by giving notice (notifying by Site notice or email, etc.), and the Member shall suspend their use. Member shall not use Contents related to the infringement of rights, including copyrights, etc., by modifying or deleting such Contents retroactively to previously produced works. After the Company's notice, all legal liability arising from the use of such Contents lies with the Member using such Contents, not the Company.

Compliance with the License Policy

  1. Members shall be familiar with the "License Policy" set forth in the Company's Site as well as the restrictions on the use of the Contents set forth herein, and shall use the Service within the use period and the scope of each license (permission for use).
  2. If a Member uses Contents for purposes outside of the "License Policy" without prior agreement with the Company, copyright protection cannot be obtained for the downloaded Contents, and damages liability shall be imposed upon detection.
  3. For more details, please refer to the "License Policy.

Chapter 6. Miscellaneous

Damages and Penalties

  1. In the event that the User reproduces or uses the Contents provided on the Company's Site without permission, or violates the contents set forth in these Terms of Use, the User shall be liable for damages incurred by the Company.
  2. The User's damages to the Company are not affected by contract termination.

Indemnification Clause

  1. If the Company is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters, war, or other force majeure events equivalent thereto, the Company shall be exempted from the responsibility for providing the Service.
  2. The Company shall be exempted from liability in cases where damages occur due to the suspension or failure of the key telecommunications service provider to provide telecommunications services normally.
  3. The Company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc., of the Service facilities.
  4. The Company shall not be liable for any failure or damage to use the Service due to a cause attributable to the User.
  5. The Company shall not be liable for any damages related to the use of the Service provided by the Company to the User for free.
  6. The Company shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or legality of the Contents provided by the Company to the User, nor for whether intellectual property rights are infringed upon when using the Contents.
  7. The Company shall not be liable for any dispute arising from the use of the Contents by the User after giving notice to the User regarding the Contents for which the provision of the Service is suspended.
  8. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the User's faulty entry of personal information and email addresses.

Dispute Resolution and Mediation

  1. The Company shall establish and operate a damages compensation processing organization to reflect the legitimate opinions or complaints raised by the User and to compensate for the damages.
  2. The Company shall handle complaints and opinions submitted by the User with priority; provided, however, that if it is difficult to expedite the processing, the Company shall immediately notify the User of the reason and the processing schedule.
  3. In the event of a User's request for remedy of damages in relation to an e-commerce dispute between the Company and the User, the mediation of the dispute agency requested by the Fair Trade Commission or the city mayor/province governor may be followed.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law

  1. Lawsuits regarding e-commerce disputes between the Company and User shall be under the jurisdiction of the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.
  2. The laws of the Republic of Korea shall apply to e-commerce lawsuits filed between the Company and User.